Round 4 Teaser

You don't understand us, but still you and I

All look the same in light that burns the sky.

Unknowable? Well, perhaps us, but not you...

See - for our answers - yourselves make the clues!

We do hope you'll have fun in solving our myst'ry -

Find what aligns and it soon becomes hist'ry!

My place in the cosmos goes misunderstood -

You draw aimless lines around "bad", around "good".

The last place you went is quite fine, on inspection -

With shadows that forced you to know your reflection.

Alas, further wordplay I'll save for my riddle.

Know what's inside; seek what falls in the middle.

Trick that she used to defeat an old crone;

Little girl left to recover alone.

Dead man of darkness, who lurks in his mind;

Species of a friend who's been left far behind.

Title he earned, although struck from the hall;

Implement used for a spot of baseball.

Familiar dinner that's cooked up by Gran;

A bridge out of town, where his story began.

Instrument which he can play once again;

Dancer whose sibling one might presume slain.

Describing the song he performed in the sky;

Made for his sister - the darkness is why.

Monarch he felled to claim his team's first prize;

These workers bested him hauling supplies.

Effects she prevents from afflicting her friends;

This hue was mistaken when seen through her lens.

Once you have solved these clues left by our friends,

There's just one more step to see you to the end.

Look to the past, as some of us do:

A technique oft used - except for round two.

With it you'll find the future's prophecy -

We wish you good luck - all eight? Ten? Fourteen.