Team Colours
Purrmageddon Has Spoken!
"Welcome! Looks like you made it through one of the portals that lead to the world of the Hyperspace Tournament. A world of new adventures, fresh experiences and all that."
"Before you can take on the challenges of the tournament we must assign each of you an individual team colour. Seeing that there is a variety of Pokémon species present, I presume that some of you are already familiar with the concept of aura?
…Or perhaps that your new form allows you to experience sensing it for the first time, seeing how a lot of you somehow managed to just accidentally stumble and fall into Hoopa’s portals even from non-Pokémon dimensions."
"Remember to always look left, right, left and down before crossing the street or getting out of bed folks!
Anyways, it's a little tradition at our guild for each member to get an accessory that matches their aura colour. Finding something that fits two mons at once is a bit more tricky, but I mean… we'll prolly figure something out.
Now are you ready?"
"Then… Let us begin."
Team Soul
"Hmm. The pair of you certainly have an unsettling presence. The kind that makes one's fur stand on end, and causes others to flee on sight. I take it you're not very popular with the general public?"
"Eh, folks will run away from just anything nowadays really. It takes a hundred missions to become a true explorer, but you accidentally tear the roof off a general store ONCE and suddenly you're a banned customer in half the town. Talk about overreacting!
I say, maybe others don't understand you, but you two get each other just fine, and seem the real ride-or-die kind."
"Perhaps that's all you need. Your aura is definitely that of reliability and loyalty. You follow one another like lingering spirits. Together till the bitter end."
"Well uh… AFTER the bitter end if you wanna be specific."
Your team's aura is…
a ghostly Ducklett Egg Blue!
Team Thundersong
"Yo, a band! Whatever colour we choose, let's make sure it'd work well for merch."
"Right… We can… Bear that in mind."
"Looks like you two are really jumping into the unknown. So something dark and murky… Mysterious."
"I get a sense of chaos from that Joltik - fitting of an electric-type."
"Dark yellow is gross though, let’s not land them with that. And the Gardevoir's calmer anyways - hm, perhaps a good ol' blue, like me."
"I'm not sure they'll appreciate that comparison… But it's true these two are diving into the unknown; a vast ocean yet uncharted. Seems they're taking it in stride, though."
"Or in… 'Swim'."
Your team's aura is…
a mystifying Corvisquire Blue!
Team Coriolis
"Ah, a pair of real analytical minds. You seem to be the kind of mons who think over all their options before taking action. Ones willing to wait with patience for the right moment to truly bloom. As a mon once said, 'measure twice and cut once'."
."Wait, is that how it goes? I thought it was 'cut twice for good measure'."
"That… would explain a lot. I hope you'll remember it right in the future."
"Remember what?"
Your team's aura is…
a budding Deerspring Green!
Team Kyūryō
"Wow, you two look a little lost. I’m guessing from those confused expressions you’re one of the 'I tripped into another dimension' teams, aren't ya?"
"They certainly seem lacking in experience, but that doesn’t mean they’re lacking in knowledge. A strong technical mind can easily make up for the lack of brawn even in an unfamiliar situation.
As they say, knowledge is power."
"Pff, not when you're chased by a feral mon it isn't! Unless you have a thick book to whack it on the head with I guess."
"…Now that's both clueless and ignorant."
"Speaking of, heard from Gran you've been having headaches miss. A lighter colour like this should help with that a bit. Easier to look at."
Your team's aura is…
a measured Bottle Cap Grey!
Team Ice-Breaker
"I remember you two. You can't get home, can you?"
"Geeze sis, way to Salt Cure the wound!"
"…If you'd have let me finish, I was going to comment on their optimism despite the odds."
"Ohhh… I think I see where you're going with this. A bright colour, then - something that suits you guys' times in the limelight, and how you're helping each other."
Your team's aura is…
a bright Balm Mushroom Orange!
"That seems like another odd pair. A grizzled Lucario filled with frustration, and a naive young Munchlax following his stomach more than his mind. Not the kind of mons I expected to be interested in moving to a human world."
"Yeah, I think those guys are just here to train or something? They've been punching rocks all morning, you should’ve seen it!"
"That… doesn't seem particularly good for one's health... And honestly neither do those treats one of them's been carrying around. Those look like they expired weeks ago, why would anyone in their right mind still eat them?!"
"…Because nothing beats a jelly-filled donut?"
"I'd rather not find out what those are filled with."
Your team's aura is…
a dubious Jelly Distortion Purple!
Team Verdict
"There you guys are! C'mon, you gotta get your colour too!"
"I must say, when I heard one of the teams ran away from the other judges, finding someone with such a… Pugnacious aura is the last thing I expected."
"Hehe, pug-nacious. That's ok, guess even feisty mons need time alone sometimes! …That or maybe you guys are going for the whole mysterious brooding vibe. I can respect that!"
"Your team certainly does have an air of mystery about them that can be alarming to some. Could that be why you choose to hide away?"
"Eh, mystery or no mystery, you folks seem like the good kind. That kinda compassion isn't hard to pick up on."
Your team's aura is…
a vigilante Shining Rose Burgundy!
Horo Sentai Miraiger
"You guys've been through the wringer already, huh? Almost like the tournament will be a holiday."
"Yes… Your situation has been bleak, but hope remains. When everything's so dark and dismal, it’s hard to remember that life may hold joys yet unseen."
"Hang in there!"
"One kind, one jaded… Yet your auras are already intertwined. Be careful, you two."
Your team's aura is…
a subdued Eterna Tree Green!
Team Blast
"Woah! That Shinx's aura is almost blinding, he's so bold and brash."
"Yet the Torchic… She's far more measured."
"A bit like us, huh?"
"Yes, but I'm rather attached to our own colour. Something different to suit them… Not so bold as to defy the measured nature of the Torchic, but bold for a young team from far away ready to disrupt the competition. Pretty, but not without a punch."
"You say all this like we're old."
"Trust me, after all this paperwork to waive our responsibility for Hoopa's antics, I'm starting to feel it."
Your team's aura is…
a youthful Payapa Berry Burgundy!
Team Steel Wind
"…You two really are opposites, huh? Makes our job ten times harder, but that's cool. We're up to the challenge!
Green? You wanna take this one?"
"Ugh. Fine. One colour springs to mind… Something fiery like Gran's most potent Petaya sauce, angry and impatient - but also warm, sweet, and welcoming."
"You're gonna say 'mandarin', aren't you?"
"…Look, it fits."
"Matches her hat, too!"
Your team's aura is…
mandarin a spicy Trick-or-Treat Orange!
The Type Shifters
"Woah, these two can be any type they want, huh?"
"No - only the types of the moves they know."
"Dang, I wish I could do that. Reckon they can teach me?"
"One, no; two, you only know psychic-type moves. It would be completely pointless."
"Damn. Sucks to be me I guess."
"From this team I sense a certain… Neutrality. You find yourselves in the throes of a conflict you have no interest in perpetuating. And yet, you still have each other to rely upon."
"Aww. That's cute."
"And for once… I'll allow your surface-level logic some credibility, Blue. If any type represents neutrality, a central point between all others…"
"Normal-type! Nice."
Your team's aura is…
a placid Moomoo Mocha Brown!
Team Riders
"For these two, something… Fresh would suit. That Larvesta is lively, young, and eager - if a little naive. Yet...
That old Scolipede has experience… There's something grim in those eyes. But he's willing to try something new. Press 'restart'."
"…And turn over a new leaf!"
"…Yes. I'll excuse the pun, because–"
"Plus, they're both bug-types. Coulda saved a lot of time just giving them green from the get-go."
"Excusing rescinded. That's not how aura works - these colours are to be used for the entire tournament, you know! We can't be cutting corners like that."
"And yet, still…"
Your team's aura is…
a creepy-crawly Smoliv Green!
Team Rose Golden
"Ooh, check this air of refinement. M'lady."
"A young noble. Something to be said of that heritage, but… That's not all there is to you."
"Yeah, you've got some real plucky vibes going."
"As for the big one… You're here for her, aren't you?"
"Or for the paycheck."
"Either way, I'd say something subdued fits the bill."
"It's in the name, really."
Your team's aura is…
a fancy Cherrim Gold!
Team Hokum
"Woah, Green, look out! You gotta watch your pockets around these guys!"
"Blue, all of our belongings are safely stored in our Magic Room."
"Better to be safe than sorry, ya know?"
"Well, rest assured any thieves will soon find themselves ejected from the tournament. Ehem, now… As much as stealing is frowned upon, it's still a worthwhile skill nevertheless... As is respecting tournament staff. And while I’m sure there’s more to you both as well…"
"Harder for us to get a read on dark-types. Nothing personal, just the way the types go…"
"Still. I think we've chosen something quite fitting."
Your team's aura is…
a sneaky Luminous Cave Grey!
Team Lucky Foot
"Overwhelming sense of confidence from one…"
"Bigtime anxiety from the other. Reminds me of some other teams I know."
"Something fitting of that alertness to danger, on both sides."
"Super intense, like courage! Y'know, bravery isn't about not feeling scared - it's about going up to your fears and punching them in the face."
"…Not the words I'd have used, but I suppose I agree. The blaze of sureness and the twinge of nerves. Together…"
Your team's aura is…
a plucky Fire Island Red!
"Another team of opposed auras… This is harder than I thought it'd be."
"Careful, sis. Don't want you getting a headache and exploding on us. Stand back, I'll handle this one…
Hmm. You've both got real intense vibes about you. Different, sure, but that's something you have in common! So… A bright…
Eh. That one’s got a pink flower on her head, let's just go with that."
"Yeah! It'll make the Cubone look a bit friendlier, too. See, this is your problem - you gotta work smarter, not harder!"
"Whatever that was, I wouldn't call it 'smart'."
Your team's aura is…
a floral Dragon's Bane Pink!
Bionic Meteorsaurus
"This is interesting. Your auras… Aren't opposites as such, but they're misaligned."
"Huh, yeah. Like you cancel each other out. Here - if I line you two up, it's like there's no aura at all! Hehehe."
"It's yet unwritten where you two will go - so something fitting of that, like a blank page. Time alone can tell what's to come."
"Good luck! You got this."
Your team's aura is…
a fresh Snow Warning White!
"...Green, how come these guys get an outline?"
"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer."
Team Surpreme
"Hey! Isn't this that nasty guy that lashed out at poor Merri? Lord… Jimbo or whatever."
"Jaro. While I think we'd both have some choice words to say about his attitude, I feel like it's… probably best we don't upset him. There's still a good few teams to go through and fending off an enraged Serperior will put us way behind schedule."
"Yeah, plus ol' Gran would talk our ears off if we gave Dora this much work. Eesh! Guess we gotta find something he'd like… Other than himself at least. Is 'lordly' a colour?"
"Well NO, but royalty did traditionally wear purple. It is the colour of affluence and--
Wait, who's the smaller one?"
"Huh? Yeah, weird… I don't think I saw him arrive. Guess we should get something for him, too?"
"Yes, some SOAP, for one. (By the legends, he smells like he crawled out of a Garbador's den. And why is he covered in sludge?)"
"Ah… Well, sorry little guy, but maybe this can help you pass for a Stunky 'til you can take a bath?"
Your team's aura is…
a royal-ish Gooey Mulch Purple!
Team Gunpowder
"Ahoy there!"
"I don't think pirates actually talk like that, Blue."
"That Klawf sure does."
"Oh. I stand corrected. I guess he's just especially enthusiastic about the job. His aura is… Hard to ignore."
"Yeah, he's got the energy of six Rotoms. The other one's a lot more chill, though."
"A sharp mind to boot, I see. And… A value of friendship."
"Yarr, though ye nay be yellow-bellies, I declare yer colour to be…"
Your team's aura is…
a blinding Thunderbolt Yellow!
Team Enterprise
"Hey Green, look! Someone else who's right at home behind a desk."
"I wouldn't have to spend nearly as much time filing paperwork if you'd do your share every once in a while."
"Okay, sure! I’ll do aaall the important files from now on."
"On second thought–"
"Eeexactly. I slack for the good of the team."
"Anyway… The Kakuna seems like he's used to things being one way."
"Yeah, the official type. And the Kangaskhan… Searching for her lost kiddo? Something off about seeing her empty pouch - well, until the other guy hopped in. That's real rough. I sense a deep determination.
"In fact… I have just the marker. Wait– did you move it, Blue? I keep telling you I have a system!"
"Sorry! It'll be here somewhere…"
Your team's aura is…
an official Cherish Red!
"Oh. These two are a handful."
"Eh, mostly the Mime Jr. Wouldn't wanna be on their bad side!"
"Hate to break it to you, but I think we already are."
"Oh. Shoot. Better give these guys a super-awesome colour to make up for it then. Off the bat, we've got one who's kind and chill, one who's wild and feisty."
"Yes… Like Groudon and Kyogre, they'd do well to find balance. Something in the middle will suit them well."
"Plus, they're literally pink and blue!"
"Don't demean our work to something so simple."
Your team's aura is…
a middle-ground Spirit's Tea Purple!
Team FizzlePop
"Wow - you guys have matching names, AND a matching sweet aura to boot!"
"Yes, I suppose it is quite astounding how your aura resembles a mild soda pop, with a fizz of excitement and a pleasant hint of mystery flavor."
"AND your team name’s Fizzlepop! Way to stick with a theme guys! Just for you, your accessories are dyed with real authentic soda pop to match!"
"They aren't.
…They aren't, right?"
Your team's aura is…
a sticky Soda Pop Blue!
Team Steampunk
"Reckon we could make something like their funky flying boat with all the garbage in our stores?"
"Well, if we do, let's ask the Pancham for his blueprints first so we can make sure ours doesn't malfunction. And the stuff in our Magic Room isn't 'garbage' - or at least mine isn't. They're trinkets."
"If you say so. Anyways, these two have known each other a while - they're basically brothers."
"Yes, it would seem they have each other's backs. So a strong, reliable colour is in order."
"Something that matches their old-timey vibe, too!"
Your team's aura is…
a rusty Relic Copper Brown!
Team Dawnstone
"Oh boy - quick, Green, practice your bows. Nice and deep, but not too deep - wouldn't wanna fall over in front of the prince."
"If either one of us needs a lecture on etiquette, it's not me. Besides, the Kirlia doesn't even WANT to be king."
"Huh. Guess you're right. Well, he can't dodge the fact he's a royal… But let's avoid that stereotypical noble purple."
"Right - something subtler, desaturated by inexperience."
"Like how his tutor has to rein in his attitude."
"…Let's hope he's not in earshot."
Your team's aura is…
a well-to-do Lavender Town Purple!
Team Rapture
"Whew, last one. Almost nap time."
"Pay attention - we can't afford to falter at the last hurdle."
"Yes, ma'am…"
"Between you two, I sense experience beyond your years… An unwelcome understanding of life energy, and the consequences of missteps upon the lives of those around us.
But… That was there. And this is here."
"Here, you're beginners like all the others."
"Right. Something hopeful for you two, then. Something fitting of a new life and another chance. Of camouflage… Fitting in."
"You lost me a little there, but I think we can agree."
Your team's aura is…
a vivacious Tall Grass Green!
Keep in mind that this page's dialogue is all for fun - if you have other ideas for why Purrmageddon chose your team's colour and wish to include those in your entries, that's fine!